Category Archives: Campus Health


Dining Hall Nutrition

From the loss of chicken tenders at Golden Bear Café, to the reduction of meat at Café 3, Cal Dining has undergone a drastic makeover in the past several years. UC Berkeley has increasingly taken steps towards creating healthy, tasty menus for students as well as developing more sustainable options.


Immunity in the College Environment

Every year, students leave for college and say goodbye to their parents, often resulting in an additional farewell to their health. Without their parents’ constant nagging to take vitamins and dress warmly, many college students end up prioritizing other tasks over their own health. Homesickness


Interview with a CDC Epidemiologist

Dr. Snigdha Vallabhaneni currently works as a medical epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control. She received her undergraduate and medical degrees from Brown University and received a Masters of Public Health from UC Berkeley. The Public Health Advocate: How did you become interested in


SNAP and Food Security in College

A college student browses the aisles of Safeway and Trader Joe’s as their shopping persona takes over — they touch all the items lined up on the shelves and slowly peruse all the cereals and snacks lined up on the walls. However, knowing they can’t purchase them with food stamps leaves them merely imagining what they taste like.


Sex Education on the College Campus

by Jacob Demé In a developed nation of the 21st century, less than half the country is providing sufficient sex education to young people attending public school. According to the National Conference of State Legislature, as of March 1st of this year, there are only

Health and Happiness

Can You Have Both? by Simran Bajwa If I was in a room with 100 random UC Berkeley undergraduates, and I asked them to raise their hand if they were healthy, how many hands do you think would be raised? If you then asked them


Sustainable Development Goals in Berkeley

How UC Berkeley Students are Actively Participating in the Sustainable Development Goals by Noah Forougi January 2016 marked the kick-off of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs are a universally agreed upon set of 17 goals that intend to improve living standards for everyone


Healthy Gains, Happy Brains

by Kristal Lam Ever miss those days on the playground? Recreation centers on college campuses are where big kids go to run like there’s no tomorrow, discover new toys, and spark some friendly competition. With so much equipment to play around with, it is not


Effects of DSRP Shutdown

by Heather Zhang UC Berkeley is a diverse community attended by students of all ages and places. Many are fortunate to call this place their home. However, it is becoming less of a home for some more than others . From the start, UC Berkeley

How to Cope With Stress

A Student’s Guide to a Happier and Healthier Lifestyle By Aashna Mehta A group project, two papers, a quiz and a midterm. The clock is ticking. There aren’t enough hours in a student’s day to complete schoolwork while gaining a full understanding of all concepts