Tag Archives: food

A variety or fruits and vegetables lay on a table.

Quarantine Nutrition

With social activity limited and stress levels high during the COVID-19 pandemic, keeping up a nutritious diet can be difficult but is important to maintain.


Body Image and Social Media: The College Perspective

Currently popular are “thinspiration” and “fitspiration” Instagram pages, or “thinspo” and “fitspo,” whose messages focus on promoting thinness, health, and wellness. However, the distinction between a healthy relationship with food, dieting, weight loss, and exercise, and anorexia is further and further blurred.


A Pantry of Love and Security

Many of us have experienced what it feels like to have extra meal points. The last few weeks of the semester consist of stopping by Bear Market and picking up all the junk that our hearts desire, then leaving school with piles of forgotten, unfinished