Category Archives: Community Health


Medical Cannabis and Opioid Abuse

For years, physicians had been misled about the long-term effects of opioid painkiller. Medical cannabis may very well be an alternative that could have a very positive effect on both those already dependent on opioids as well as in a preventative manner.


Yoga: A Preventative Method

Yoga practitioners often tout the health benefits of yoga. Indeed, yoga has become to be regarded as a cure-all for whatever ailments one may have, but what claims can be substantiated?


Pets: Bringing Both Health and Happiness

It has long been known that humans are social beings. As mammals, we have evolved to crave social interactions and personal connection. Feeling alone can bring about potentially severe health problems such as anxiety, depression, and eating disorders. It is no wonder, then, that humans have


Best Babies Zone

“Best Babies Zone” is part two of a two-part series on life course theory. To read part one, click here. Over the last two centuries, the improvement of medicine, nutrition, and childcare resources has drastically reduced the infant mortality rate in the United States. Due