Category Archives: Spring 2016


Increasing Zika Virus Outbreaks

A Global Threat by Amy Chang There has been a recent outbreak of a dangerous virus carried by the Aedes mosquito, the Zika virus. It is most commonly found in communities with poor living conditions and health hazards, causing the symptoms of fever, itchy skin,

Put Down Your Plastic Water Bottle

The Dangers of BPA by Nikki Sherry Smoking causes lung cancer. Sleep and exercise are important for your health. Loud music can damage your eardrums. Plastic water bottles are not good for you. What is one similarity between all of these statements? They are all

Hungry for More

by Daniela Morales College is a time for change. A change of location, social life, and overall lifestyle. But what many people do not realize is that with this switch comes a change of diet as well. Most everyone is aware of the infamous “freshmen

Diabetes: Its Threat and Social Implications

by Jacob Deme Diabetes is a chronic illness in which the body cannot produce or correctly utilize insulin. Due to this dysfunction, patients with diabetes have a high blood sugar level, which in turn can result in serious health risks such as heart disease and

Norovirus Outbreak at UC Berkeley

by Erica Munson Midterm season is a common time for students to be stressed out, having little capacity to focus on anything but studying. Ironically, by centering their attention solely upon their studies, students can forget to take care of their health and end up

A Glimpse into the Real World of Global Health

Undergraduate and graduate students compete at UC Berkeley’s first ever Intermural Global Health Case Competition by Rachel Crowley On February 27th, undergraduate and graduate students across multiple disciplines came together for a single reason: to address the smoking epidemic in the North Sumatra region of

Health and Education

by Jacob Demé While health education falls within a diverse spectrum of public services to improve a community, its full potential for positive change has been lost in the tumultuous political struggle that permeates a developed society. For many government agencies, determining the efficient allocation

Tending to our Thoughts

Emotional and Mental Health Resources by Carmel Malvar Every midterm season, I find myself repeating the same, stressful pattern: I put all of my time and energy into preparing for a midterm and consequently, I lag behind in my other classes. By the time my